
Netflix Debuts Its First African Podcast, Never Late | African Time 

Expect a whole lot of laughter, ‘WTF!’  and inspiring moments from Never Late | African Time, Netflix’s latest African project, and its first-ever African podcast. The series features fascinating conversations with some of the continent’s most celebrated on-screen talent, from much-loved industry veterans to exciting young actors, directors, and producers. Launching on May 4, 2022, the […]

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Tropika Island of Treasure Host “NaakMusiq” Wins Big at Celeb City

A string of good luck? or just pure old brilliance? That is the question on all our minds when it comes to Anga Makubalo and his recent streak of good fortune. The newly crowned Tropika Island of Treasure host, Anga “NaakMusiQ” Makubalo took home another crown on Saturday, 9th of April at the much- anticipated […]

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