Endaweni is the perfect soothing jam to get South Africa through the COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown. It is nostalgic in tone and glorious in its expression of where the Johannesburg based duo have come from and where they are going next. They sing and rap about how God has taken them from nothing to greater heights, reminiscent of a well known South African hymn we used to sing at school assembly’s called Unobubele with lyrics about God’s mercy and grace: ‘wangithatha ebugxwayibeni wangibeka endaweni.’

Yoza Mnyanda and Kuthulakwenkosi “Katt Daddy” Siboto on the song which is the first single and title track off their forthcoming 7 track EP unlock new creative heights as they continue to share with the world their personal journey in welcoming a new addition to their family who is said to be teaching them about what it means to create and bring new life to their legacy as well as South Africa’s music scene.
According to the media release, Darkie Fiction worked with longtime producer Waxy Hustle who gave the duo’s Endaweni EP, once again a modern touch to the “sounds of yester-year” as they are popularly known for music that draws influence from kwaito, afro-funk, neo-soul and hip hop. , Endaweni is the Jam that will resonate with SA.
In contrast, South Africa has always relied on its musicians to tell the rest of the world the truth about what it means to live in a transitioning society, and not much has changed since. For two souls who serendipitously found each other down the corridors of Cape Town’s CBD, this album encompasses every direction the two hoped they would one day face. From a car-boot boutique to being adidas ambassadors and small-town songstress to cinematographer, Katt and Yoza or rather mom and dad as they’re affectionately known have come a long way and are definitely shining their own light on Endaweni and allowing the world to see the SA they have come to know and love through their own personal experiences.
The full Endaweni EP will be available on all DIGITAL STORES from April 10th but for now, pre-add the single on Apple Music. Catch Darkie Fiction with more behind-the-scenes revelations in the fold to bring their story home. Stay tuned. Stay home and stay safe and watch Katt & Yoza’s journey on youtube and IGTV: @darkiefiction
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