Over 18 Years of greatness

Field Band Foundation Video http://vimeo.com/114771783

FBF PURPOSE STATEMENT:     “To create opportunities for the development of life skills

in the youth through the medium of music and dance.”

Field Band Foundation Performance (2014 National Championships)


The Field Band Foundation (FBF) is a Section 21 Company which was established in 1997. Since then we have grown and developed our programme in close consultation with the communities we serve. A successful holistic youth development programme has evolved dealing with the bulk of issues that the economically and socially challenged youth face in South Africa.

Using the arts as a catalyst, the FBF is not simply an arts program, nor a life skills program, but a dynamic real life incubator where members learn to master an art form they have passion for, and through this, learn to innovate creatively together, develop inner discipline, resolve conflicts, work collaboratively for a common purpose, facilitate and empower others, develop values and an identity that respects the rights of others and enables them to more confidently advance themselves.

Having grown our membership through the developing and entrepreneurial phase of the FBF from only 600 youth members in 1997 to over 5 000 youth members in 2014, the FBF is now entering the professional stage of its development. This means that we have established systems and processes to ensure that our vision of a positive and empowering youth movement, with Field Bands in all towns and cities promoting self-confidence and values back into the youth of our society.

We are continually working towards developing a positive and meaningful partnership between government and civil society to ensure the growth and further success of this proven concept.


The FBF has 18 years of experience in youth development and our work is well supported by long-term local and international donor and sponsorship relationships.  The FBF programmes are endorsed by government and the Foundation is known and recognized as an organization of quality that has made a real difference in the lives of thousands of South Africa’s young people.


1998       BASA Award for Best Long Term Development Project

1999       BASA Award for Increasing Access to the Arts.

2002       Arts and Culture Trust Award for Best Practice Project

2003       Arts and Culture Trust Award for Best Project

2004       Kimberlite Organisation of the Year Award

2007       Musina Municipality Arts Project of the Year Award

2007       Gold Partner Award – Fredskorpset – Norway

2009       BASA Chairman’s Premier Award

2013       BASA International Sponsorship Award

2013       National Lotteries Board Compliance with Grant Funding Award

2013       National Lotteries Board Corporate Governance Award

Field Band Foundation ( National Championships 2014)

Book the Field Band Foundation for your events! ( View options http://youtu.be/2uejMrrIuIg )


Twitter  – Instagram: @Fieldband_sa

Contributors : @SelloCR

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